Services & Facilities Available:
A customer service is our first priority. We believe that our business rest on customer satisfaction. Keeping this in mind
we have taken care to ensure that we we are a step ahead of customer requirements. We realize that each individual has different needs and each vehicle is bought for different reasons. Our services take care of that….and more. Here is what your car comes with Car Services Visit our car spa to see how we treat your vehicle. Your worries about buying a used car will fly right out the window when you see how the car undergoes a complete overhaul and freshening. We check the car for every little sound and disturbance. The result is you get a car that is as good as a new car. Nobody will be able to see that you have purchased a second-hand car. 6 Months Warranty ENGINE+GEAR BOX And Above Model 2010 Your car comes with a 6 months warranty period
just like a new car Our staff will clearly list out the parts that are under warranty for the first six months above Model 2010 so that you do not have to worry about replacement costs. We understood that certain parts of a vehicle are susceptible to faster wear and tear and have incorporated this study into our warranty. Services should be done on time to get the six months warranty for eg. Coolant Water
Engine Oil
Break Oil
Power Stearring Oil
and General Check Up.